The Increasing Popularity and
Demand For Deep Digging Dredges

In the dynamic landscape of 2024, obtaining Aggregate Mining Permits has become a notably more complex challenge. Mining Operators across the nation concur that securing Mining Permit Approvals is a more arduous task than ever before. The approval process is not only longer but also yields more stringent constraints.

To meet the escalating demand for Aggregate, Operators are increasingly opting to enhance their current operations by strategically submitting Permit Applications aimed at expanding their mining territories and venturing into greater depths.

Historically, permitted mining depths mirrored what was attainable with available dredging technologies at the time. However, recent years have seen a surge in technical advancements. Our engineering breakthroughs have designed dredeges that can dredge up to 150 feet in depth, while maintaining cost-effective productivity.

The financial viability of deep mining varies based on the market demand for the specific minerals being extracted. Yet, the demand for our deeper mining solutions has risen steadily. Just a few years ago, the returns from deep mining did not compensate for the higher costs incurred. Today, our innovative designs have revolutionized deep mining, yielding impressive results that make the additional investment worthwhile in many cases.

When the expenses involved in developing a brand-new mining site, are compared to the costs of Re-Permitting an existing mine and Re-Tooling to go deeper, the choice to stay put and go deeper has become frequently the optimum choice.

Underwater Ladder Mounted Pumps

Custom Dredge Works has a formidable portfolio of Long-Ladder Deep-Digging dredges. Building a reliable dredge that can consistently, and cost effectively, mine at depths greater than 50 feet requires great Engineering skill, tremendous Experience, and advanced Technology. The abilities that Custom Dredge Works brings to the table are formidable and second to none in the industry.

Locating an Underwater Pump on the ladder is critical to successfully dredging at depths greater than 80 feet. Installing a Jet Assist is a viable alternative, however, a submerged pump is much more efficient and allows for a higher percentage of solids to be pumped through the system. Typically, an underwater mounted pump will significantly increase production above what a deck or hull mounted pump of the same size can achieve.

Deep Digging Dredges with Underwater Ladder Mounted Pumps are available in CutterHead, CutterChain, and Jet Ring-Straight Suction dredge configurations from 10” up to 22” discharge.

An Underwater Electric Motor connected directly to an Underwater Pump

Underwater Electric Motors

Perhaps the most groundbreaking enhancement for Deep Dredge Mining has been the introduction of the Underwater Electric Motor.

This technological marvel has not only augmented Power at Depth but has radically diminished maintenance challenges associated with the lengthy drive shafts that previously connected Electric Motors to Underwater Ladder Mounted Pumps, sometimes extending over 100 feet. A stalwart in the maritime industry, the Underwater Electric Motor now stands as a pivotal component in the future of Deep Digging Dredge technology.

Custom Dredge Works remains at the forefront of these advancements, committed to driving the future of efficient, deep aggregate mining. With our continuous innovations, we assure our clients dredge performance that keeps pace with the demands of a challenging regulatory and economic environment.

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If you have an idea of the type of dredge you may want, or the nature of your deposit and how much production you would like to achieve, please fill in the DREDGING QUESTIONAIRE.